Executive Summary & Brochure Files

Executive Summary Page 1 of 4

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       Brochure pages 1 of 2

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3 thoughts on “Executive Summary & Brochure Files

  1. The GARRETT staff

    Dr. Herzon and his associates will be attending the AAOHNS, inc. annual ENT trade show and Continuing Medical Education Scientific sessions in Washington, D.C, from Sunday September 9 through the 12th. Dr. Herzon is looking forward to visiting demonstrating the newest Prototype Model C of the THERMOCEPS™ device to a selected group of manufacturers and distributers at the show in the Commercial Trade Show floor. If you wish to arrange a private session to review the THERMOCEPS™ technology with the inventor and patent holder, as well as, have a demonstration of the newest and lightest prototype please call 310.801.8500 and leave a voice message or SMS. Dr. Herzon looks forward to meeting you and demonstrating the new invention. GARRETTtechnologies.com has an additional 4 devices fully prototyped and secured with patents and trade secrets for your review as well. These new large market devices include the AXOSTIM 2, the EMMA evoked muscle monitoring accelerometer device, the LED Needle for precise filler injection and the new LASER RULER device for precise measurement of lesions viewed with the endoscope. Dr. Herzon will be on the show floor and is looking forward to your call. Have a great show.

  2. The GARRETT staff

    GARRETTtechnologies is most pleased to announce award of another patent on the exciting AXOSTIM2, a game changing technology delivering the worlds only cordless bipolar nerve locator and finder. The ONLY cordless disposable nerve locator and evaluator in the marketplace. This new design is available for well positioned medical device manufacturers a bold fresh new surgical disposable to include in their product range. CONTACT Dr. Herzon at either gherzon@earthlink.net or herzon@garretttechnologies.com.


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